MARAbio’s precision technology includes a first-of-its-kind actionable test for assessing likelihood of having a child with profound autism. Autism is a common and costly condition with increasing prevalence world-wide. Presently there are limited assessment options for use prior to the development of autism symptoms, which leads to delayed diagnosis and delayed access to interventional therapies.
MARAbio presents a fundamental breakthrough with highly accurate detection for a distinct immune-system mediated subtype of autism simply by testing the biological mother’s blood.
MARAbio’s technology provides early detection of MARA in the child and enables clinically actionable interventions before critical time is lost.
MARAbio’s technology represents the only precision treatment approach. This is because MARAbio’s test is the only technology that can detect the MARA subtype in a child before symptoms exist, and with a long term goal to treat the biological mother with therapeutic antibody interventions. With these interventions, we hope to mitigate the effects of the MARA type of autism, currently estimated to represent approximately 20% of autism diagnoses.
With an estimated $15+ billion market potential for MARAbio’s precision immunology offering we expect a robust serviceable market.